Friday Five // Worthwhile Investments

Have you ever wondered where you should invest when it comes to your decor? What’s worth it and what can you get away with grabbing on the cheap from a big box store? Well today, I’ve got all the details on the five things that are always worth paying a bit more for. Because while you don’t have to go “high end” on every surface for your home to feel beautiful and high quality, it makes a huge difference for your comfort and style to prioritize a few key pieces in your collection. So, read on and you’ll have an ultra stylish space in no time!

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Is there anything more luxurious than wrapping yourself in a warm fluffy towel after a shower or bath? If you're still hanging onto towels that are a good 6 or more years old (you know the ones I mean - holes and bleach stains galore), then you definitely deserve to get yourself a few new ones to replace the lot. Nothing upgrades your bathroom style and vibe quicker!


Artwork is so personal, and one of the things I love the most about it is that it's always morphing. As you acquire new pieces - perhaps a few originals, maybe a framed kid's creation or two, or even a few thrift shop finds - your walls continue to get more and more character infused in them. And with that kind of excitement, I'm 100% on board!


Wedding china is beautiful, yes, but in all honesty, everyone needs a set of high quality everyday dishes. It's just plain functional to have them at the ready, and it doesn't hurt to make them as stylish as possible. If you stick to classic colors and shapes and make sure to get a sturdy set, it'll hold up to both trends and all that daily wear and tear!


Swapping out bedding seasonally may seem unnecessary, but trust me, you'll never regret it. Not only does it feel cozy all around, but you won't be freezing at night, and to top it all off, your space will feel refreshed without a hefty remodel or new paint job. Just remember to avoid those "bed in a bag" sets at all costs. Mix and match for a more gathered and curated look that feels ultra chic.


When it comes to upholstery, investing in quality pieces is essential - especially since we're spending so much time at home. That doesn't necessarily mean spending a fortune, but you do want to make sure you're prioritizing comfort and build. Is it going to last or fall apart in a year? Will you want to sink into that sofa every night or avoid it at all costs? Make sure it's the right fit before you buy and it'll be a winner all around.

Are you in the “bleached towel collection” camp? Or have you been putting off replacing that sagging old sofa, unsure of which one to buy? No matter your conundrum, remember - you deserve a little refresh, and if you spend your money strategically on pieces that will truly change the look and feel of your space, it will be worth it all.

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