Laura Engen Interior Design

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Friday Five // What I'm Loving Right Now

It’s the end of August, and every year around this time I always get an itch for change. Maybe it’s the back-to-school excitement or the shift in temperatures - whatever the reason, I love the “restart” vibes this upcoming season has to offer. And even though our world looks a lot different this year than before and the world can feel like it’s constantly being thrown out of balance, there is promise in looking forward to something good and it’s so important to remember those little things (especially when times get tough). So read on for my round up of all the things I’m loving right now. From decor to wardrobe staples, you’re sure to find a little pick-me-up that just might make all the difference.

  1. Natural Elements 2. Desk Chair 3. Fall Tones & Texture 4. Jeans 5. B&W Photography Print


This trend is here to stay, no doubt, and I'm all about it. Natural elements add the perfect touch of texture and casual vibes to a room, and as long as you avoid covering every surface with it for an over-the-top boho look, it'll be absolutely gorgeous. A simple element here and there with your traditional or modern decor is all you need.


These days, we're all rethinking our home office and homeschool setups - how do you make them functional, yet stylish for the whole fam? I'm personally a fan of a sleek modern chair vs a more traditional rolling desk chair. It's great for work, can be used as an extra dining seat, or even as a corner or front door shoe spot. Total win-win!


Alright, I'll admit it - I'm ready for fall. There's just nothing like embracing those warm amber and copper tones mixed with grays and whites to get you ready for a change. And did I mention the textures?! I absolutely LOVE knit sweaters, cozy scarves, and endless layers - there's no limit to the adorable outfits you can dream up! Now all we need is a little dip in the temperature, and we'll be set!


"Back to school" isn't just for kids - I say go for it and treat yourself to a few fresh pieces for your wardrobe (especially a new pair of ultra-comfy jeans like these)! Because even though we'll all most likely be spending the bulk of our days inside the house, sometimes dressing up even a little bit makes the day feel a million times better.


There's something about this super chic black and white print from Minted that manages to capture all of my emotions right now. Sometimes I feel moments of pure bliss, and then it feels like everything has gone into total chaos - and that's a shift that happens almost daily (woof, it's a lot right now). If you're on the hunt for some new artwork, definitely check this one out - it's simply stunning!

What are your go-to things that are instant mood boosters? Do you swear by a workout routine or a nature walk route? Are you always game for a good thrift and bargain hunt? Whatever your must have, I hope this seasonal shift gives you a chance to enjoy yourself - these are uncertain times, so you absolutely deserve it.