Friday Five // Homeschool Essentials

The start of the school year is coming up fast, and for a lot of us, we’re either kicking it off fully virtual or doing some hybrid of in-school and at-home days. If homeschooling was a shock to you this past spring, there are definitely a few essentials that can help you make the transition a lot smoother. So, f you’re like me and suddenly facing a career change to full-time teacher (just kidding - but it does feel that way!), read on - with a few strategic additions to your kids’ homeschool stations, I guarantee study time will feel a million times easier.

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Artwork, handwriting practice, spelling tests, and more - there are so many things for kids to put on display when they're proud of their work, and having a flexible space to do so (away from the usual fridge spot) is a must! You can easily switch things out from week to week, making it both fun and academic-friendly for the whole fam.


Last spring, we found out pretty quickly that working from the dining room table was a total productivity zapper. So, to kick off this year, we invested in a desk so our kids have a dedicated space to stay focused and organized. You don't have to spend a ton on it, either - this adorable work table is less than $200 at IKEA and a total steal!


Nothing is worse than starting the day on a mad hunt to find your computer charger or AirPods case. And between all of our personal gadgets and the ones our kids are bound to rely on when the school year kicks off, it's essential to have a one-stop-shop charging station to keep everything fully powered and at the ready.


Instead of letting random school supply piles collect all throughout the house, save yourself the headache and get a simple rolling cart. Not only is it super convenient for keeping everything in one easy-to-access place, but the fact that it rolls makes it a cinch to use throughout the day - especially if the kids need a change of scenery and want to move to another room.


Digital life is great - it's easily accessible from anywhere and it's always backed up to the cloud. But honestly, sometimes it's just nice to go back to old school pen and paper. And while I love a good day planner, I can't help but fall head over heels for this bold wall calendar - how can you go wrong with a statement like this?! You'll be keeping track of all those assignments like a total stylish champ.

How are you feeling about the beginning of the school year this fall? Are you already a homeschool pro? Or are you searching for any and all ways to improve your current study setup? Wherever you’re at in your journey, you’re not alone - it is seriously tough work to manage schoolwork on top of your everyday tasks, so just remember…you’re doing amazing! Cheers to rockstar parents - you’ve got this!

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