Friday Five // What I'm Loving Right Now

The heat is definitely in full swing here in Minnesota, and though I’ve been soaking up every minute outside that I can get, on those reeeeaaaaalllllyyyy humid days, I have allowed myself an AC-filled day or two to recoup. And those hours in the nice crisp cool of our house have had me dreaming all about the things I’m loving right now. So, if you’re in search of an infusion of style and something new to look forward to, scroll on down - from decor pops to must-have recipes, you won’t want to miss this week’s Friday Five.

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Do you ever come across a shirt so you that you pop it in your cart only to come home and realize you already own the same one?! This "bums" wallpaper is the SAME thing for me. I swear I've pinned it multiple times and I just can't help it. It's quirky and fun and I can totally picture it right on the walls of a chic little powder room. Love!


One of the challenges of working from home is creating an office space that feels fresh and promotes those creative streaks. But you don't have to go and repaint a wall every month when you feel stuck. Instead, build in a space for "organized chaos" where you can collect inspiring photos, artwork, quotes, and more to encourage that innovation!


I'll admit, I've been going through major on-again, off-again cooking streaks where I binge cook/bake a ton of new recipes then promptly do a solid week of takeout to heal the burnout. So a refreshing dessert like these fruit tarts are just what I need to dip back into it again! Plus, they've got summer written all over them - perfect for July.


Though our social outings these days are pretty much relegated to Target and essential errands, I'm craving more than ever an infusion of style into my wardrobe. So, you know what? I've decided that this month, I'm going for it. I love the idea of throwing on a fun dress - even if I'm wearing a mask and stocking up on toilet paper - because sometimes you just need a little pep in your step!


I'm all about smart storage when it comes to a remodel, and especially in high-use spaces like mudrooms and laundry rooms, it's a total game changer. Right now, I'm loving pet storage solutions in particular, and I can't think of a better - and more stylish - way to display those doggy bowls than this adorable setup here. All it needs is a dog-friendly shower area and Fido will be in heaven!

Where do your AC-fueled daydreams take you? Are you craving a wardrobe update? Or thinking about that “one day” vacation you’ll finally get to take when all this is over? No matter what you’re envisioning, just remember - we WILL get through the heat and this wild ride of a year together, so in the meantime, pour yourself that summer cocktail and bottoms up!

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